Nepali litterateurs living in Israel have been awarded with “Bhanubhakta Gold Medal” by the Government of Nepal, Ministry of Culture,Tourism and Civil Aviation. The award has been distributed in International Mediterranean Tourism Market [IMTM Festival] held at the Tel Aviv Exhibition Ground, Ramat Aviv.

The award was given to 7 Nepalis who were devoted in the field of Art , literature , and social service living Israel and contributed to organize Bhanubhakta bicentenary celebration in Israel announced by Ministry of Culture,Tourism and Civil Aviation. Those literary figures were Bhagawati Basnet, a litterateur & Head of Bhanubhakta bicentenary celebrations Israel, Krishna Thapa, a litterateur, an artist & the President of International Nepali Literary Society Israel Chapter, Subas Kharel, a social worker, President of NRN Israel, litterateurs Sunita Rai, BJ Bidrohi Rai, Nirmala Khadka and Laxmi Pokhrel.

The awards were given by His Excellency Ambassador Prahlad Kumar Prasai with the presence Mr. Aditya Baral Senior Director of Nepal Tourism borad, Joint Secretary and Spokesperson Mohan Krishna Sapkota.

On the occasion His Excellency Ambassador, his wife Ms. Sita Prasai, Counsellor and Deputy Chief of Mission Mr. Khadga Prasad Dahal, Second Secretary Ms. Roshan Khanal, attache Kamal Koirala and the team of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation of Nepal government led by Joint Secretary of Ministry were also participated in. Himalayan Expedition, Adventure & Sports, King Akbar Travel & Tours, Karnali Travel & Tours and Euro Travel & Tours were also participated from Nepal.

At the opening ceremony of IMTM Tel Aviv, Amir Halevy – Director General of the Ministry of Tourism of Israel also praised and appreciated top Israeli tourism professionals, hoteliers and travel and tour operators of Israel.

The tourism fair opened for two days (February 10 and 11), was visited by 30 thousand visitors. Tourism professionals, hotel operators , tours and travel agencies of 70 different countries had presented their stalls at the fair organized by Israel ministry of tourism in Ramat Aviv.

I was so happy and thrilled to be awarded in this way. Thanks to all who helped me to get this award specially Bhanu bicentenary Executive Committee Advisor Mr. Narendra Raj Prasai, NAI publication and my dearest friends of Israel.


I am Krishna Thapa, I am from Nepal and live in Israel. I love to write blogs on Art, Information and Technology. Thank you for stopping by, keep visiting.

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कृष्णपक्ष थापा

म कथाहरू लेख्छु, चित्रहरू कोर्छु यद्यपि लेख्नु र रङ्गसँग खेल्नु यी दुवै मेरा पेसा भने होइनन् । कर्मले त म पराइ माटोमा पसिना पोख्ने श्रमजीवी, विगत केही वर्षदेखि इजरायलमा छु । यस अर्थमा घर छोडेर विदेशिने युवाहरूको ठुलो हिस्साको म एक प्रतिनिधि पात्र हुँ ।

समयको किताबमा बेहिसाब घटना, परिवेश र अनेकौँ मौसमहरू लेखिएका छन् । असङ्ख्य अस्तित्वहरू अटाएका छन् यहाँ । कथाको एउटा पात्रजस्तै मेरो अस्तित्वले ‘कृष्णपक्ष’ भन्ने नाम बोकेर हिँडेको छ । जसरी संसारका समस्त अवयवहरू भिन्न अस्तित्व बाँचेका छन्, त्यसरी नै ‘कृष्णपक्ष’ पनि एउटा पृथकता बाँचेको छ ।

मान्छे अनेक पात्र र अनेकौँ भूमिकाहरूमा बाँचेको हुन्छ । 'कान्छे' मभित्र बाँचेको एउटा पात्र हो, जो रङ्गसँग खेल्न मन पराउँछ । कुची र क्यानभास उसको आत्मा हो ।

एक दिन मैले उसलाई छातीभित्र कैद गरेँ र इजरायल उडेँ । बाध्यता र परिस्थिति वश 'कान्छे' लाई मैले धेरै चाहेको तर कम बाँच्न पाएको छु ।

थाहै भएन कतिखेर हराएँ मरुभूमिका श्रम शिविरहरूमा ? जसरी लाखौँ नेपाली युवा छाडी रहेछन् देश र पोखी रहेछन् पसिना खाडीका ताता बालुवाहरूमा ...

© Krishna Thapa KanxeY
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