The city is called Karauli, an ancient and historic city come to less whose only attraction is a palace of 600 years, with beautiful carvings of stone and many frescoes … little more, people are very religious here and virtually everything revolves on base To that, it is not a tourist city, much less.

The hotel sounds good. It is  Bhanwar Vilas Palace … a hotel member of the Indian Heritage Hotels Association and the Royal India Legacy. Built in 1930 with colonial style, it is nowadays it is also a hotel since 1995, the current residence of the Maharaja of Karauli. Which makes you feel like a real Maharaja, which I did not like at all.

We arrived at the Palace Hotel where … after a time of descending in the gloomy hall with dissected animals and such, we were accompanied by the great hallways to the room. It should be noted that we were the only tenants of the hotel, and absolute silence reigned inside the huge old palace.

At first, we were told that it was strictly forbidden to bring drinks and food from outside, which forced us to dine in the hotel itself, with a price rather typical of the center of Europe than a village lost for “I do not know where in India” To which we refused in full … and we had some discussion even calling the person in Jaipur who had booked us that hotel.

We went through the historical village, which tell us the story of past many foreigners were seen from all over the place … we entered a temple and the truth that we did not seem well received … they did not look, push, etc … what invited us to leave, Buy some bags of dry foods and some soft drinks and return to the “Palace”

Once there, the discussion continued with dinner and we walked around the huge palace-hotel. The interiors of the hotel were well crafted and architectured in very old style. Though some might feel it is a kind of old, gloomy, dark, or uncared for … and with a lot of staff Dressed as if they were two centuries ago. So we decided to stay in the room and wish to spend the time to go the next day to Agra.





I am Krishna Thapa, I am from Nepal and live in Israel. I love to write blogs on Art, Information and Technology. Thank you for stopping by, keep visiting.

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कृष्णपक्ष थापा

म कथाहरू लेख्छु, चित्रहरू कोर्छु यद्यपि लेख्नु र रङ्गसँग खेल्नु यी दुवै मेरा पेसा भने होइनन् । कर्मले त म पराइ माटोमा पसिना पोख्ने श्रमजीवी, विगत केही वर्षदेखि इजरायलमा छु । यस अर्थमा घर छोडेर विदेशिने युवाहरूको ठुलो हिस्साको म एक प्रतिनिधि पात्र हुँ ।

समयको किताबमा बेहिसाब घटना, परिवेश र अनेकौँ मौसमहरू लेखिएका छन् । असङ्ख्य अस्तित्वहरू अटाएका छन् यहाँ । कथाको एउटा पात्रजस्तै मेरो अस्तित्वले ‘कृष्णपक्ष’ भन्ने नाम बोकेर हिँडेको छ । जसरी संसारका समस्त अवयवहरू भिन्न अस्तित्व बाँचेका छन्, त्यसरी नै ‘कृष्णपक्ष’ पनि एउटा पृथकता बाँचेको छ ।

मान्छे अनेक पात्र र अनेकौँ भूमिकाहरूमा बाँचेको हुन्छ । 'कान्छे' मभित्र बाँचेको एउटा पात्र हो, जो रङ्गसँग खेल्न मन पराउँछ । कुची र क्यानभास उसको आत्मा हो ।

एक दिन मैले उसलाई छातीभित्र कैद गरेँ र इजरायल उडेँ । बाध्यता र परिस्थिति वश 'कान्छे' लाई मैले धेरै चाहेको तर कम बाँच्न पाएको छु ।

थाहै भएन कतिखेर हराएँ मरुभूमिका श्रम शिविरहरूमा ? जसरी लाखौँ नेपाली युवा छाडी रहेछन् देश र पोखी रहेछन् पसिना खाडीका ताता बालुवाहरूमा ...

© Krishna Thapa KanxeY
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