Last week blogger announced five exciting new ways to view your blog content,these are  Flipcard, Mosaic, Sidebar, Snapshot and Timeslide. which take advantage of the latest web technologies to provide a richer experience for your readers.

Last week;what blogger announced is that we’re previewing five new dynamic templates in Blogger that you’ll soon be able to customize and use for your blog. These new views use the latest in web technology, including AJAX, HTML5 and CSS3, to deliver a host of benefits to you and your readers:

Click on any of these links to take the new dynamic views for a spin on a few of our favorite blogs: Flipcard, Mosaic, Sidebar, Snapshot and Timeslide.

To try these views on your own blog, simply add “/view” to the end of the blog URL—for example, These new views are available on all public Blogger blogs with feeds fully enabled—to learn more, including how to disable these views for your blog if you wish.

Dynamic Views, the Chrome Extension

You can experience these views via the Blogger Dynamic Views Chrome extension.

  • Infinite scrolling: read more posts without having to reload or click to a second page
  • New layouts: different views suited to different types of blogs
  • Speed: download images as you view them, not all at once in advance
  • Interactivity: there are now more ways to experience and engage with blog content



Once installed, the extension will automatically detect when you are viewing a Blogger blog, and then display a Blogger icon (the orange ‘B’!) in your address bar which lets you select and view the blog in one of the five new dynamic views. It’s that simple.
Of course, you can always disable the extension whenever you want from the Extensions section of the Tools menu. Try it out today, and please feel free to leave a rating or review on the extension page.

I am Krishna Thapa, I am from Nepal and live in Israel. I love to write blogs on Art, Information and Technology. Thank you for stopping by, keep visiting.

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कृष्णपक्ष थापा

म कथाहरू लेख्छु, चित्रहरू कोर्छु यद्यपि लेख्नु र रङ्गसँग खेल्नु यी दुवै मेरा पेसा भने होइनन् । कर्मले त म पराइ माटोमा पसिना पोख्ने श्रमजीवी, विगत केही वर्षदेखि इजरायलमा छु । यस अर्थमा घर छोडेर विदेशिने युवाहरूको ठुलो हिस्साको म एक प्रतिनिधि पात्र हुँ ।

समयको किताबमा बेहिसाब घटना, परिवेश र अनेकौँ मौसमहरू लेखिएका छन् । असङ्ख्य अस्तित्वहरू अटाएका छन् यहाँ । कथाको एउटा पात्रजस्तै मेरो अस्तित्वले ‘कृष्णपक्ष’ भन्ने नाम बोकेर हिँडेको छ । जसरी संसारका समस्त अवयवहरू भिन्न अस्तित्व बाँचेका छन्, त्यसरी नै ‘कृष्णपक्ष’ पनि एउटा पृथकता बाँचेको छ ।

मान्छे अनेक पात्र र अनेकौँ भूमिकाहरूमा बाँचेको हुन्छ । 'कान्छे' मभित्र बाँचेको एउटा पात्र हो, जो रङ्गसँग खेल्न मन पराउँछ । कुची र क्यानभास उसको आत्मा हो ।

एक दिन मैले उसलाई छातीभित्र कैद गरेँ र इजरायल उडेँ । बाध्यता र परिस्थिति वश 'कान्छे' लाई मैले धेरै चाहेको तर कम बाँच्न पाएको छु ।

थाहै भएन कतिखेर हराएँ मरुभूमिका श्रम शिविरहरूमा ? जसरी लाखौँ नेपाली युवा छाडी रहेछन् देश र पोखी रहेछन् पसिना खाडीका ताता बालुवाहरूमा ...

© Krishna Thapa KanxeY
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