4 Ways Google’s AI is Helping Society

Get to know 4 projects that use Google’s artificial intelligence to help society:

Prevention of illegal deforestation

The Rainforest Connection project uses used cell phones and artificial intelligence to detect sounds of chainsaws or suspect noises and alert authorities who police the area.

Understanding the origins of the solar system

To do this, Ari Silburt, a PhD student at Penn State University, uses Machine Learning to find and map craters on the moon. So far, more than 6,000 new craters have been identified.

Know if your plant is diseased

Middle school students Shaza Mehdi and Nile Ravenell have created an app with TensorFlow to recognize if their plant is not well. Shaza also created another similar app to diagnose skin diseases.

Diagnosing diseases

With the technology Dr. Jorge Cuadros can diagnose in advance cases of diabetic retinopathy (RD), helping to prevent early blindness in diabetic patients, in addition to determining the risks of cardiovascular disease with analysis of images from a model of deep learning .

About the author

Krishna Thapa

I am Krishna Thapa, I am from Nepal and live in Israel. I love to write blogs on Art, Information and Technology. Thank you for stopping by, keep visiting.