0Gadgets and gadget upgrades is now one of the hottest topics next to politics and fashion. It is not surprising that most websites and blogs are dedicated to this niche. Technological advancements and tools have made our lives better and easier. I, for one, am really fascinated with the latest gadgets and how they work. I’ve put up a blog to post my most recent discoveries and experiences in trying out the newest devices I had laid my hands on. Through installing a chatbox in my blog, I’ve created an interactive platform where everyone is free to share their insights, questions and suggestions related to the niche.

As a tech blogger, I do what I preach; I try out things and recommend only those that passed my standards. As a blogger, I know that competing with other blogs is really challenging and entails creativity to lead in the competition or at least get a fair share of online visits. One effective strategy in improving online presence and initiating a more interactive discussion is through dynamic chat software. Chatwing shoutbox has a very simple interface and stable platform that it can accommodate up to a thousand web surfers simultaneously. It also has a social media integration feature that facilitates easy social network expansion which is essential for us bloggers. This feature makes the chat box accessible to millions of Twitter and Facebook users.
I was able to design the web chat tool easily according to my preferences. Chatwing.com provides users with a variety of colors and customized background options that are cool and fashionable. Uploading personal photos and MP3 links are also possible. Users can literally change every aspect of the chat software as they please.

Real time, I can address inquiries and build rapport at the same time. I can get new ideas on what gadgets to review or try from people around the globe. Even when chatting with thousands of web users to just a selected group, I am confident that I can maintain a professional and decent communication because of Chatwing’s full conversation control option. I can ban users I deem offensive or delete messages that in any way will not contribute to the discussion.

Chatwing, despite its flexibility dynamics, is easy to use and install. This is just one of the tools that bloggers can really rely on in terms of increasing web traffic and connecting globally.
Find Chatwing  http://chatwing.com

Guest post by Aaron

About the author

Krishna Thapa

I am Krishna Thapa, I am from Nepal and live in Israel. I love to write blogs on Art, Information and Technology. Thank you for stopping by, keep visiting.