My name is Krishna Thapa, from Nepal, living in Israel now. I am passionate about Art and Literature. I love to play with colors and words. I use acrylic and watercolor as a medium on my paintings. My creations are inspired by realistic events and subjects around me. My style of work is figurative but sometime I also paint abstract art.
I was raised by mother nature in a remote, peaceful and a beautiful village of Nepal . My birthplace Dhading, far away from the city, where my childhood was spent talking with the mountains, woods and rivers. Since there were very few accesses I could enjoy in such a small and silent village, words and the colors were the only close friends with whom I could play with.
In my early days I was shy and introvert by nature. I could spend the whole day having a conversation with myself. My own imagination and the imaginative characters always diverted me from the crowd, from the friends and frequently from the reality too. In fact, I always created my poetry or artworks by letting my imagination fly more and more. Thus they were the true inspiration of my creativity.
I started to draw and paint from very early days. I still remember I have participated and got numbers of prizes in almost all of the District level Painting or Poster design competitions organised by District Education Office, Red Cross Society, District Health Office or Inter School competitions. I always feel happy to read books and write poetry or stories. Since books and colors have been my everlasting close friends with whom I could always play with and be happy even in my lonely moments.
After completing my high school from village, I went to Kathmandu, capital city of Nepal for the further education. Though I studied Science, Art and imaginations were more meaningful to me. I went to Amar Chitrakar, a famous artist of Nepal. I got very inspired by his figurative paintings and sculptures. In his last years, I stayed in his house, which was itself like an art museum or a precious gallery. I always learned and got inspired by his painting workshop, his focus and ability to capture emotions and the powerful language of colors.
मुलत: म कथाहरु लेख्छु, चित्रहरु कोर्छु यद्यपि लेख्नु र रंगसंग खेल्नु यी दुवै मेरा पेशा भने होइनन । कर्मले त म पराइ माटोमा पसिना पोख्ने श्रमजीवी, विगत केही बर्षदेखि इजरायलमा बस्छु । यस अर्थमा घर छोडेर विदेशिने युवाहरुको ठूलो हिस्साको म एक प्रतिनिधि पात्र हुँ । बाध्यता, रहर, बेरोजगारी, नियति या पलायन … जे संज्ञा दिएपनि मेरो कर्म नेपाल र नेपालीको तितो सत्य हो । म त्यही सत्य हिडेको छु – परदेश यात्रा । परदेश, जहाँ रहर र सपनाहरु धेरै तर फुर्सद कम भएका लाखौँ युवाहरु छन, घर छाडेर विरानो मुलुकमा कर्म गर्न आएका, तिनै श्रमजीवीहरुको लहरमा उभिएको छु म । र घर छोड्ने यो यात्रा, यो लहर सदियौं देखि चलायमान छ ।
स्वाभावले म सानैदेखि अन्तर्मुखि रहेँ । कल्पनामा हराउनु, रंग र कुचिहरुसँग खेल्नु मेरा रुचीका विषयहरु थिए । आफैँसँगको सम्वादले मलाई हरदम साहित्य र चित्रकारितामा डुव्न प्रेरित गरिरहे । आफैँसँगको यो स्ववार्तालाप कुनैवेला यति सघन भइदिन्छ, म बिर्सन्छु कि अभावले पराजित भएका छन मेरा सपनाहरु, बिर्सिन्छु कि यो व्यस्तता र मरुभूमिका पसिनाहरु … र कोर्छु दुईचार अक्षर, त्यही हो मेरो साहित्य ।
‘तिर्खा कथासंग्रह’ मेरो पहिलो प्रकाशित कृति हो । सम्पादनको हिसाबले इजरायल प्रवासबाट प्रकाशन हुने साहित्यिक पत्रिका नेपाल चौतारी र मेरो नेपालको सम्पादन पनि गरेँ । त्यसका साथै ‘इजरायल भूमिमा नेपाली कलमहरु’ नामक संयुक्त संग्रह पनि निकाल्यौँ । साहित्यिक रचना, समाचार र अन्य गतिविधिहरुसँग अपडेट रहन इन्टरनेटमा ‘साहित्यसंसार डट कम अनलाइन पत्रिका पनि सञ्चालन गर्दै आएको छु ।
कहिलेकाही लाग्छ म सपनै सपनाले भरिएको मानिस हुँ , शायद हामी सबै यस्तै छौँ । यदि सपनै नहुदो हो त जीवन यति सुन्दर, यति प्रिय र अर्थपूर्ण पनि हुदैनथ्यो होला । सपना र विपनाको अन्तर समयले सिकाउदै जाँदो रहेछ मान्छेलाई । हेर्दै जाउँ कति छुट्ने हुन, कति साकार हुने हुन … ।
मलाई भेट्न मेरो फेसबुक- http://facebook.com/ekrishnathapa
ट्वीट- http://twitter.com/ekrishnathapa
या ब्लग http://blog.krishnathapa.com/ मा ढकढकाउनु होस्,
म त्यही हुनेछु … मेरा शव्दहरुसँग ।
1)When I was a child, I used to go for a tuition. One day Dr. Nabin Pahadi (my teacher and neighbour ) saw my drawings and paintings, he told me that I must continue this hobby for good. Next day, With the help of a charity organisation he brought a lots of pencils, brushes, colors and beautiful sketch pads. It was like a dreams come true for me. Then I started to paint each and every page of the pad with my colors and imagination. I still have the first sketch pad and drawings on it. I forgot the name of the organisation which provided me those stuffs but I remember Nabin Dai, who always supported me in every step.
2) I studied my primary school in Gairi Gaun School of Pauwa, Dhading. After completing class 5 we need to transfer another school of Dhading Besi. I was in class 5 and about to move to the new school. My Brother Govinda Thapa was two years senior to me and he had already admitted to Neelkantha High School. At that time, I have created a small comic book with my hand drawing which had a story of landlord and villagers. He took the book and gave it to JANATA PUSTAKALAYA (Janata Library). When I went to the new school, I was already a star. Many of my brother’s friend and teachers had already knew about me. They have seen my drawings in the library. Umed Pradhan was the teacher who praised my artwork and said ‘you are gifted with art’, it was my most precious moment.
3)First Prize of big amount: Every time when District Education Office organised painting or creative art contest, Bhupendra Shrestha (our social teacher) informed us to participate. Raju and me always participated many competitions from Neelkantha. And we won most of the awards. Sometimes Raju and sometimes me. It was a poster competition for the awareness of Health and population. I painted a small family with 2 kids, parents and a dog which won the competition and I was rewarded with 1200Rs with a certificate. It was the first big prize regarding my paintings.
1) Prakriti Ka Pujari Bhumi ( A worshiper of a Nature- Bhumi) A biography of a Bhumi Raman Nepal by Nabin Bandhu Pahadi.
2) I have created all of the magazine covers of “Mero Nepal” Nepali literary bimonthly, print magazine published by International Nepali Literary Society Israel Chapter. Where I also worked as an editor and Art and Graphic designer.
3) Many Issues of “Nepal Chautari” Nepali monthly print magazine published by Non Resident Nepali Association, National Co-ordination Council, Israel. Where I also worked as an editor.
4) “Bhunti” -An anthology of Short stories by Sita Baral (Portugal) I also wrote foreword for the book.
5) “Tirkha” (The thirst)- This is an anthology of short stories by me (Krishna Thapa)
6) “Jiwanlai Chiyauda” (Peeping the Life)- A book by Nisha Khanal Aryal. I also wrote foreword for the book.
7) “Mod”e – Memoirs of Nayandra Chemjong, I also wrote foreword for the book.
8) “Thopa Thopa” (The Drops ) – Collection of lyrics by Sunil Sangam (Portugal), I also wrote foreword for the book.
9) Israeli Bhumima Nepali Kalamharu- (Nepali pens in the land of Israel) – Grand collection of the articles by Nepali literates living in Israel. I have contributed for the collection, editing, setting and design of the book. Which was published by INLS Israel.
10) Yahudi bastima Nepali Taranga (Nepali waves in the Jewish land) , collection of Memoirs published by International Nepali Artist Forum, Israel.
11)Mardako Maya (Masculine love) : Short Stories collection by Bhagawati Basnet.
I have published “Tirkha- An anthology of short stories”.
It is a Nepali story book, where you can find my 23 short stories written on the basis of Living in Israel. I have also published Israeli Bhumima NEpali Kalamharu (Nepali pens in the land of Israel), A collection, written by the writers living in Israel. I also served as an editor of MERO NEPAL (Bimonthly Publication of INLS israel) & NEPAL CHAUTARI (Monthly magazine published by NRNA NCC Israel & Nepalese worker’s helping forum).