Comments are very important in the blogging world. Every post and every article should have the means of conversation or the ability to comment for the better interaction. Beside the default commenting system, you can install google plus comment on your site. To enable the google plus comment on your blogger blog, you need to connect your blogger profile to google plus. Then you can enable google plus comment box below the blog post on a single click, here is step by step guide.


1.Go to the Blogger Dashboard > Setting
2.Click Google+ tab on the left side
3.Now you can associate your Google Plus Profile with your blog clicking GET STARTED.
4.After you associate your profile to your blog, you have three selecting options on the right side

a)Automatically share after posting ?
b)Prompt to share after posting ?
c)Use Google+ Comments on this blog ?

Second step
You can select Use Google+ Comments on this blog option, and other options too if you want to share your posts automatically on google plus. Your google plus comment box will appear below the blog post now.

Sometime this may not work If you are using Customized Template. In this case you can use this trick.

1.Go to Template then Edit HTML
2.Click anywhere inside the code area, and press Ctrl+F to find

<div class=”post-footer”>

3.Just below this line you can paste this code.

<div class=’cmt_iframe_holder’ data-viewtype=’FILTERED_POSTMOD’ expr:href=’data:blog.canonicalUrl’/>

Save your Template and now you have installed google comment successfully on your blog. Cheers.

About the author

Krishna Thapa

I am Krishna Thapa, I am from Nepal and live in Israel. I love to write blogs on Art, Information and Technology. Thank you for stopping by, keep visiting.